Tuesday 1 September 2015

Be A Generational Thinker.

Africana Conference 2015

On several deliberations and programs attended, I realized that most Ghanaians always think of moving outside to the states before they can become who they want to be.

This where I look through another window of hope blossoming on the African soil and setting our minds back on the vision of Marcus Garvey : REPATRIATION ...Lets go to Africa and make it as our home ...

Why do you think most Africans would work so hard for money outside their countries but feel relunctant working in their own countries?

Why do we purchase more foriegn goods than locally made products?

The only answer that sets me thinking again and again ...its maybe that's how we have conditioned ourselves to, through the reflections of slavery that our forefathers went through ...AFRICANA CONFERENCE '15...would give us a better answer.


We say to the world, Africans are free. They are now independent. I always heave deep sigh when that phrase comes into mind.
Then I asked, are we indeed free, are independent of our resources, our governance system, our exports and imports?
Can we boast of depending on our resources and still have human beings on this side of the planet .
Why these civil wars?
Where is the peace we once enjoyed?
The security we felt in our neighborhoods?
Now we live in houses walled with metallic wires on them and our windows tightly built with metallic poles like animals who are in cages

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