Tuesday 1 September 2015

Yes We Can Do It.

No wonder they still call us monkeys who no longer live on trees but in cages..

When they came, they made us close our eyes to pray( pray for what? Our peace,  our lands, our resources or our culture.)
It sometimes sets me aback, when a degree holder cant even speak his or her native language - indeed our culture ..
But after we had prayed our hands they put their bibles and away they went with our lands if gold, diamond, silver, ivory.
Can we plant our cassava, plantain , bannana, cocoa be planted on the bible?
Can we mine our diamond, silver, gold on the bible?
No wonder they call us barbarians - our hope and future yet to be found and hope put into its proper place.
And that's why we need to be generational thinkers, that we may not think of ourselves and families alone but the unborn generation

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